Pointers of Effective Communication

A major part of corporate life hinges on communication. There are two types of communication in a corporate setup, internal and external. Internal communication is about addressing employees, seniors, peers and subordinates through written emails or speeches. External communication is about conveying an idea to the public in general.

This public could be a stake holder in the company or simply a customer, or even a potential customer. There are layers of communication in a corporate hierarchy, and it is pertinent to suggest that without effective communication, the wheels of a company can come to a grinding halt.There are some pointers of effective communication which come in handy for everyone associated with a corporate setup.

Let us look at them so that you can improve your communication in corporate institutions:

Pointers of Effective Communication

● The Audience:

This is the most integral part of an effective communication: understanding your audience. Communication is deemed effective and efficient only when you know about the receiver of the message. Knowing about the receiver helps you attune your message to suit the listener and bring about expected responses. What you will tell your buyers isn’t something you would be telling your sales team!

● The Research:

You have to backup what you say with sound research. Empirical data can go a long way in convincing people about what you are trying to say. Data and stats have a strong influence on the thinking of individuals, especially when they are in a corporate setup. However, you should take care about not cramping too much data into a message. Sprinkle data and numbers with analyses and that’s a lethal combination in corporate communication.

● The Innovative Approach:

Corporate people are used to a particular form of communication and messages. When another such clichéd message comes along, they are not much motivated and listen to it half-heartedly. Instead, if you are innovative in presenting your message, it can jolt the listeners out of their stupor. They will find something worth listening if your approach is innovative. Again, you can try innovations only when you know your target audience.

● The Response:

This is as important as the message you are trying to communicate. Looking for signs of response from your listeners. If they are responding in an expected and desired manner, you can press ahead with your prepared message. If the response isn’t so warm, you need to think on the fly and change your message, or the mode of delivery. A good judge of response can form and disseminate effective communication easily.

Hope these tips will help you grab the essence of effective communication.

Features of a Corporate Trainer

The aim of every company is to optimize resources. In a competitive arena, companies cannot afford to waste resources. The most valuable resource available to any company is the human work force. The right people with the right motivation can make use of meager resources and still deliver excellent results. The vice versa is also true! This is the reason why companies are hiring corporate trainers to keep their work force motivated and enthusiastic, despite the challenges of working in a pressure cooker situation.

To hire corporate trainers for your company’s human resource, you need to know a little about the features which make an ideal corporate trainer.

Here are some of the qualities that you should be looking for:

Features of a Corporate Trainer


Corporate trainers must be able to adapt to different organizations and their cultures. Every organization has a different kind of culture. Some are more go-getters while others take a laid-back attitude. Some lay greater stress on aesthetics while some are big on aggressive promotion and marketing.

The culture of an organization has a lot to do with how employees work there, and react to stimuli of motivation. Corporate trainers need to understand the existing work culture before drawing up the training blueprint.


This is an equally potent weapon for a corporate trainer. It is not enough that you have excellent ideas and innovative techniques of imparting training. The corporate trainer should be able to communicate these ideas and concepts effectively. The dimension of communication is largely dictated by the recipients.

Here too, the adaptability factor of corporate trainers comes into the picture. With effective communication, ideas can be injected into even the most resistant minds.


An ideal corporate trainer should get well-versed with the company, their brands, products and services before beginning the training schedule. For this knowledge, they should collaborate with the seniors of the company, along with the people at the grassroots level.

Unless a corporate trainer knows the weaknesses or deep-rooted insecurities of the work force, they cannot weed them out. More often than not, an employee’s mind is their prime obstacle. It is a corporate trainer’s job to remove that obstacle by knowing more about it.

All over the globe, corporate trainers are hiking up the potential of human resources. The right corporate trainer can actually turn the tide for your company.

The Importance of Corporate Training

Human resource is one of the most important ingredients of a company’s success. Gone are the days when employees were considered as simple workers who do their work and go home. Companies today are more appreciative of the work done by employees. These companies spend resources in getting them trained and keeping them motivated to work. In order to do that in a challenging work environment, corporate training has emerged as crucial and effective.

The primary importance of corporate training lies in the motivating factor. At the end of the day, all jobs seem a little boring and monotonous. You may be working in your dream company in a position that you absolutely love. Still, there will be a time when you get irritated and exhausted. You feel that it will be so much better if you could look for another job, just for a bit of change in the daily routine.

These are times when corporate training can come in really handy. Employees who receive corporate training begin to value their jobs again and realize that their job is worth keeping. From the perspective of the companies, hiring a corporate trainer is important to ensure that the employees realize their full potential and make optimum contributions to the company’s future.

The Importance of Corporate Training

Employees often don’t realize their potential and how they can make a bigger impact. Corporate training gets rid of those glass ceilings, giving these employees a chance to prove themselves. It also attunes them to their responsibilities and what the company expects from them. Employees perform better when they are aware of their position in the hierarchy of the company. Then they feel that they are more than just cogs in the wheel.

A major importance of corporate training lies in the development of a work-friendly environment in the corporate setup. There are grapevines in every corporate structure, there are rumors flying around and there is negativity. No company can deny having these factors in the mix. Corporate training helps employees ward off such unproductive thoughts and channelize their energies into productive work.

That will happen when they are conscious about their role and that’s something that corporate training ingrains in them.Corporate training also instills confidence in employees and helps them take decisions on time. More often than not, employees are unable to take decisions because they are wary of the consequences.

With the proper training, they will understand the concepts of accountability and how they can get better in their respective positions as decision-takers. To sum up, corporate training has the ability to revitalize the entire corporate hierarchy of a company.

How to Overcome Public Speaking Fear and Anxiety

Anxiety is a common human emotion. You’ll never know when or how it’ll turn up and grip you with fear, but it’s often common during public speaking. Even the most confident of persons sometimes fall prey to anxiety, while delivering a public speech. It is, thus, extremely important to overcome the fear and anxiety regarding public speaking. Public speaking trainer, Sujata Mukherjee, believes that it’s not difficult to overcome the fear. Hence, join us to conquer all nervousness and become a versatile public speaker.

Steps to Overcome Public Speaking Fear and Anxiety:

Overcome Public Speaking Fear | Sujata Mukherjee | Skill Development Trainer in Kolkata | overcome public speaking fear in kolkata

Public speaking fear and anxiety is not easy to overcome, but with training and practice, impossible is nothing, isn’t it?

The first thing you need to do is to eliminate the fear of getting laughed at or rejected. Sometimes these feelings can be hard to overcome, but as difficult as it might be, it’s the most important thing to do.
Organize your speech properly, and practice hard. So that, when delivering the speech, you do not fumble for words and have complete control over what you want to say.
You need to calm yourself. Communication skills trainers often stress on this aspect. Take some deep breaths to calm your mind and body, train yourself to not feel anxious when addressing an audience.
If possible, read a newspaper report or a magazine article in front of someone you know. Think of it as a trial for your public speech. It might yield valuable results in controlling the fear.
Do not pay much focus to how the audience is reacting to your speech, if that makes you tense. Focus on your speech and concentrate on delivering it as well as you can.
If you do care about the audience, engage them in your speech. Make jokes, lighten up, and enjoy the situation, instead of dreading it. The lighter the situation is, the easier it’ll be for you to overcome the anxiety. Nobody gets tensed in a friendly atmosphere!

The importance of overcoming fear and anxiety is invaluable. Personality development trainers deal with helping people overcome this aspect so that it doesn’t hamper their professional aspirations. The better you’ll get rid of it, the more confident you’ll be to deliver a speech in front of a big audience.